Salonger på Södermalm och Norrmalm i Stockholm
Salonger på Södermalm och Norrmalm
i Stockholm

En tyst shamponering, spa-musik och hårbottensmassage

Vi skräddarsyr behandlingen, bygger en plan med framtiden i åtanke och delar kunskap kring hur du bäst kan underhålla ditt hår fram tills nästa besök.
Våra certifierade nagelteknologer jobbar med branschens främsta varumärken och deras behandlingar leds av precision och lyx.

Salongens musik – Vi skapar våra egna spellistor som du kan följa hemma
Silent Room
Pantone of 2025: Mocha Mousse
Long lasting.
Warm yet cold.
Neutral but not boring.
Is this the year you leave the blonde category?
The ashy section?
See you all trend glam girls in the salon!
08-242040 or book online 🐒
#mochamousse #mochamousse2025 #pantone #pantoneof2025 #mochahair #creamybronde #brondehair #brondehaircolor #brondehairdontcare #hair2025 #haircolor2025 #color2025 #ellui #elluihair #elluisalon #lightbrownhair #frisörstockholm
🥂 2024 is worth a toast 🥂
We took the girls on a night out starting @restaurangtako at their new HOT address and fantastic chambre separeé 🥂
Happy and as always truly blessed and thankful to have all these powerful women in our daily lives and business. We live in Sweden 2024 and we all have the possibility to aim for our goals and dreams as individual people in a society where women have the right to choose for themselves. CHEERS for that and for our amazing team! Love to you all girls ❤️ So proud of us!
Missing @j.hair @elluironjah @nailbar_eleni @johannagrafman ❤️
🍣 @restaurangtako
📸 @ameliabarklid
🎁 @officialcupidskiss
#ellui #elluisalon #elluistockholm #bossladies #tako #team #elluiteam #girlsnightout #girlsnight #frisör #frisörstockholm #hairdressers #decemberoutfit #glamlook #glamsquad #powerwomen
How do you like your coffee? 💋
Most clients we know enjoys it with milk. Some with sugar, others with nothing at all…
Same it is with colors. In both hair and nails all clients have their own touch and we can mix and come around with your own preference in any direction.
Like here, we see @elluilouise pick a beige look for her nails but with a good damn twist of luxe. FABULOUS beige we call this! 🥂
@nailbar_eleni as always mixing the best of nail colors and details. #pro See her @ ELLUI SoFo
Using #cndsatinpajamas and #cndvipsilverstatus
#beige #beigenails #glitternails #cndnails #ellui #elluisalon #shellac #elluisofo #nailsstockholm #manicure2024 #perfectnails #shellacnails #stockholm #södermalm #sofo #qualitynails
I’m Vanilla, baby… 💋
How gorgeous hair doesn’t she have? 🙋🏼♀️ @mtldaa
We LOVE doing this perfectionism projects, building the most stunning and long lasting hairs where all highlights just blends in to a naturally and healthy blonde look.
… and as u know @j.hair is a PRO well known for her precision and expertise in just these kinds of looks. Fully booked for a reason!!!
But always dropping her Fridays appointments with one weeks notice at 8am in the morning. 👀
But as said and well known as well, we are a team of 15 stylists in 2 salon and ALL of us creates 5/5 ⭐️ hairs, confirmed by Google and @bokadirekt_se
A kiss, hug and thank you to all our lovely clients for the love and trust!
#ellui #elluihair #elluibalayage #elluisalon #elluistockholm #juliasiira #balayage #livedinhair #livedinblonde #livedinbalayage #balayagehighlights #vanillablonde #vanillahair #perfecthair #frisörstockholm #norrmalm #vasastan #södermalm #stockholm
We bring the party, you bring the hair 🥂
Monday or Friday
A regular cut or a big makeover
Any day and any treatment
If you want glam, we do glam!
Cause bubbles and waves is always a winner 🙋🏼♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏽♀️
You know what to do, darlings!
DM, 08-242040 or book online 💋
See you in the salons!
#ellui #elluisalon #elluistockholm #elluihair #elluinorrmalm #salonvibes #stockholm #frisörstockholm #saloninspo #norrmalm
[Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice of arranging spaces to promote harmony, balance, and positive energy (chi), enhancing well-being and flow in a given environment.]
Through thoughtful Feng Shui and mindful selection of materials, we’ve built a salon that invites you to an experience beyond the ordinary.
In our oasis at ELLUI, we’ve created a salon environment grounded in harmony, warmth, and conscious choices. a space that feels like a luxurious living room – where anticipation meets relaxation and calm - to make you feel safe, inspired, balanced and at home when you visit us.
Inside our walls we want all our visitors to feel nothing but peace. 🤍
#ellui #elluisofo #elluisalon #elluistockholm #fengshui #fengshuitips #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuistyle #fengshuihome #fengshuiliving #stockholm #salon #saloninterior #salondesign #peluqueria #salondebelleza #salondecor
Time flies right? This week is our birthday week! ELLUI Norrmalm turned 3 yo by the first of September 🥂
And if you’ve been around us for some time you know we are never late to show up to new challenges and developing changes. In 2025 our first salon ELLUI SoFo turns 10 years old and we are LOOKING FORWARD to see what the closest future will bring to our tables.
Also a BIG SHOUTOUT to the best team of super women’s in the amazing family of ELLUI! Happy birthday to US!
#ellui #elluisalon #elluinorrmalm #elluistockholm #elluihair
Kérastase new edition Première 🍊
(EXACTLY what many of our clients hairs need!)
• Free hair from calcium overdose that leads to breakage
• Reconnect broken keratin links
• Recreate 99% hair’s original strength
A series of 5 products home, 6 in salon.
🍊 ELLUI Invited by Kérastase to the Swedish vip launch 🍊
@elluikate & @hairsofies tried products on model @lisatrange
AMAZING feeling!
📍From hard and dry to smooth, shiny and still BOUNCY 📍
• Repairing series normally leaves the hair heavier.
• As detoxifying products can leave it to smooth.
• #kerastasepremiere got the perfect recipe of being repairing and still rich but airy
• Fragrance creamy and fresh 🍊🍦
• An option/addition to ALL hairs due to the damage hard waters makes to our hairs
#kerastase #kerastaseclub #kerastase_official #premiere #damagedhair #damagedhaircare #damagedhairsolutions #damagedhairrepair #damagedhairtreatment #reigniteyourinnerstrength #kerastaseproevent